A Dead Parrot? Marcus Bolt
A Mevlevi Shaykh’s Experience of Subud Ilyas Baker
A Necessary Reappraisal Ragnar Lystad
About the Latihan Ragnar Lystad
An Alternative Explanation of the Subud Exercise in Psychological Terms Merin NIelsen
An Open Letter about Youth and Helpers Sandra Rimkeit
A Proposal for an International Subud Survey Sahlan Diver
A Question for the WSA Marius Kahan
An Adequate Humantity John Elwyn Kimber
Are You Brainwashed? Sahlan Diver
A Spiritual Democracy Ragnar Lystad
A Wayward Club Experience Marcus Bolt
A View of Arcadia Sahlan Diver
Absurd Subud Merin NIelsen
Alternative? Maria Cameron
After Fifty Years: What I Think Is Needed Salamah Pope
An Alternative Introduction Stefan Freedman
An Atheist View Merin Nielsen
Answers on a Postcard Edward Baker
Anwar, Anwas, and Subud Prejudice David Week
Assessments of the Subud Vision Project Various Authors
Awaiting My Opening David A
Back on the Road Again Marcus Bolt
Bait and Switch Helen Bailie
Becoming Normal David Week
Being and Doing Marcus Bolt
Being Safe in Subud Karim Murphy
Belief and Unbelief Leonard Priestley
Beyond Words And Images Stefan Freedman
Blueprint for Change Sahlan Diver
Both Simple and Complex Hadrian Micciche
Boushma Is Too Deep To Understand: Just Do It Ramon Kubicek
Bridging the Divide Rosalind Priestley
Buddhism and Subud Stefan Freedman
But What Is Subud? Lilliana Gibbs
Can Subud Grow without Faith? Sahlan Diver
Can We Fix It? Marius Kahan
Certainty Michael Irwin
Change Vs. Authority Subud Vision Editors
Clear the Path to the Latihan David Week
Confession of an ex-Latihaneer John Elwyn Kimber
Conundrum Sahlan Diver
Danger of the Kejiwaan Event Various editors
Designing the New Sahlan Diver
Do We Really Need a New Explanation of the Latihan? Sjahari Hollands
Does the Concept of Enterprise Still Have Legs? Marcus Bolt
Fifty Years of Doubts and Reservations Michael Rogge
Forget about Outreach Aliman Sears
From Subud to YouBud Ruslan Feldman
Frozen in Time Sahlan Diver
Genuinely Open Merin Nielsen
Religion without Belief — God as Metaphor Andrew Hall
God's Teeth Stefan Freedman
God's Work Erica Sosna
Handling Hot Issues Stefan Freedman
History and Myth David Week
How Not to Be a Cult Rosalind Priestley
How to Read Bapak’s talks and How Not To Sjahari Hollands
How I Latihan Michael Irwin
I Asked for Milk Sahlan Diver
In Subud We Have No Beliefs Sahlan Diver
Is Subud a Cult? Official Report
It Was the Vicar Who Did It Sahlan Diver
Latihan Communities and Organization: a Dialogue Helissa Penwell and Sahlan Diver
Latihan for All of Humanity Léonard Lassalle
Making Claims Marius Kahan
Mind, Fiend or Friend? Stefan Freedman
My Non-Opening Max MacArthur
My Search for Spiritual Guidance Caroline Yabsley
No Reason to Be Disappointed Ragnar Lystad
Notes from an Old Timer "Old Timer"
On Judging Rosalind Priestley
Open to Whom? That is the Question Bronte Grivell
Opening Up the Future Howard Melder
Our Cunning Plans Sahlan Diver
Our Internet Rights Sahlan Diver
Outside View Sahlan Diver
Peace and Subud Stefan Freedman
People Power Disguised Identity
Preachy Testing Merin Nielsen
Presence in the World Lusijah Rott
Process, Not Prozac Marcus Bolt
Promoting the Latihan Ragnar Lystad
Psychology and Subud Dirk Campbell
Pulling Together or Pulling Apart Stefan Freedman
Questioning Oneself Fuchsia Black
Reading Bapak's Talks Andrew Hall
Redefining Success Rosalind Priestley
Reflections on Rejoining Subud Margaret Pevec
Responding to the Helpers Andrew Hall
Sailing to Ithaka Marcus Bolt
Self-healing, the Search for Community and Why I Left Subud Anna Thomas
Seven Questions about Subud Culture David Week
Still Crazy After All These Years Husain Chung
Stories Sahlan Diver
Subud and Buddhism Leonard Oliver
Subud and Sumarah Rikard Seeberg Andresen
Subud and the Art of Automobile Maintenance Marius Kahan
Subud as University David Week
Subud at Crossroads (reprint) Michael Rogge
Subud at Middle East Spirituality and Peace Festival Stefan Freedman
Subud Is a Bud Stefan Freedman
Subud Spoofed Bei Dawei
Subud, Spirituality and the Body Electric Paul O'Brien
Subud: The Religion Jonathan Koontz
Subud: The Tribe Deanna Koontz
Subud Trademark Registration Matthew Weiss
Subud Trademark Registration - A Response Marcus Bolt
Subud without Theology David Week
Subud-think Sahlan Diver
Sufism and Subud Dirk Campbell
Ten Misconceptions About Subud Enterprise Sahlan Diver
Testing or Testosis Bronte Grivell
Testing the Committee Michael Irwin, Rosalind Priestley, Sahlan Diver and David Week
The 50/50 Rule Sahlan Diver
The Case for Not Having Helpers Rosalind Priestley
The Closings Sahlan Diver
The End of the Road Marius Kahan
The Good Reputation of Subud Rikard Seeberg Andresen
The Imprisonment of the Latihan Ragnar Lystad
The Role of the Subud Press Rosalind Priestley
The Introductory Period Helissa Penwell
The Problems with Enterprises Rosalind Priestley
The Role of Subud Ragnar Lystad
The Latihan as Spiritual Adventure Andrew Hall
The Latihan Of Subud, Dissociation And The Neurology Of Spiritual Experience Hassanah Briedis
The Latihan Place Hossanah Diver
The Mystery of the Vanishing Applicants Stefan Freedman
The Naked Subud Ragnar Lystad
The Impossibility of Subud Enterprises Ragnar Lystad
The Subud Inspector Sahlan Diver
The Rise and Fall of the AntiSubud Site Sahlan Diver
The Transformation of the Subud Organization Hadrian Michell
The Wayward Way of Enterprise Sahlan Diver
The Visionary Approach Luthfi O'Meagher
This Silly Poor Gospel John Elwyn Kimber
Trial by Feelings Sahlan Diver
Towards a Bigger Subud Marcus Bolt
Towards a Subud Renewal Michael Rogge
Tribute to Husein Rofe Michael Rogge
Triptych Hossanah Diver
Was Pak Subuh a Dukun? David Week
What Happened? Cenred Harmsworth
Unthinkable Decision-Making Merin Nielsen
Watch Your Language Marcus Bolt
Wayward Michael Irwin
What I Like about Subud Marcus Bolt
What Lies Ahead Raymond Foster
What the?! Marius Kahan
What to Do with Bapak's Advice Stefan Freedman
What We Do and How We Do it Maya Korzybska
When You Graduate David Week
W(h)ither Subud Marius Kahan
Why Did It Go Wrong? Ragnar Lystad
Why Only Subud? Sahlan Diver
Why Subud Groups Should Not Present Bapak’s Talks Merin Nielsen
Will the Real Bapak Please Stand Up Rosalind Priestley
Worshipping in Beauty Rose Moloney