
Anna Tomas


Mini Biography

I grew up with Subud from about aged 8 years old when my mother joined the organisation. Subud became a big part of our life; lots of selamatans and gatherings and we mixed mostly with only subud members. So I was well and truly acculturated by the time I decided to join aged 19 years. Met my husband at the World Congress in England in 1983 aged 20. Was married 2 months later and had our first child 9 months later. My mentors at the time were stay-at-home subud mothers who had lots of children. So that's what I did and three more children followed our first born in quick succession over the next 4 years! Looking back, going to University when my youngest was aged three, was a something of a turning point in my life. It certainly broadened my outlook on life in many different ways. Ended up studying Psychology - mostly to try and understand myself. Turned out that I loved learning and did back-to-back undergraduate and post-graduate degrees. I never thought I would be what I considered a 'real' psychologist; i.e. counselling others. I was more interested in the science and organisational aspects of the discipline.

After working many years in the field of research and organisational psychology, I now also practice as a registered counselling psychologist. This kind of work can be challenging, but also very rewarding. After being a member for about 25 years, I no longer participate in Subud - my article on Subud Vision gives some background to my reasons for leaving the organisation.

Self-healing, the Search for Community and Why I Left Subud pdf, html

True community: how to get there from here

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