
Aliman Sears


Mini Biography

Aliman Sears, MA, CPRP, has been a member of Subud USA for 21 years, and is currently serving as national vice-chairperson. He has been a Helper for 14 years, and served on Subud committees at various levels. His wife, Mirnah, is an artist and a 16-year member of Subud. A philosopher/theologian by academic training, Aliman has worked in the social work field for 18 years, and teaches Philosophy/Ethics at Chaminade University in Honolulu. Currently he is Chief Operating Officer of a social work company, Community Empowerment Services, LLC, integrating the mentally ill into the community.

Forget about Outreach pdf, html

Forget about Outreach! People are being opened in Subud USA, but it appears they are not staying for the long term. So, let us consider focusing our efforts and national resources on developing abilities to become a more flexible organization responsive to our members needs (especially new members) rather than focusing on giving public talks designed to attract people to Subud. We can develop these abilities through engaging in social and community projects, with the secondary benefit that Subud may grow. This way people will see us living our latihan rather than only hearing us talk about it.
Note: This is a work-in-progresss document and a revised and extended version will appear in July or August.

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