
Official Reports


On this page we will be re-printing publicly available official Subud reports and articles about official Subud policy. We will publish material on the basis that we consider might be of interest to our readers. The reports are printed exactly, without any additional editing on our part. Publication here should not be inferred as our approval or disapproval of their contents.

To send feedback on a report, please click on the button, next to the report synopsis, that says "Send Feedback on this article". Feedback appears at the bottom of the page.

Is Subud A Cult? pdf, html

At the Spokane world congress a workshop was held, entitled "Is Subud A Cult?". About 50 people attended. Apparently there was a lively discussion - some taking pains to point out where Subud was different from a cult ("Subud is easy to leave and you can be a member even if you don't believe or agree with what the founder said", as an example).

At the Bali world congress the question was addressed again, this time by a working party. We are reprinting here the report of that working party, from the 2001 World Congress Minutes. The Subud Vision editors find this report particularly interesting because the question of the cult-like nature of Subud, as discussed recently in articles on the Subud Vision web site, provoked a certain amount of controversy, yet here is the same subject, being openly discussed, six years previously, in a WSA report.

Subud Trademark Registration, by Matthew Weiss pdf, html

This is not an official report, as such, but an article that previously appeared in Subud World News to explain the background behind the move the protect the use of the name "Subud" and the Subud symbol.

Subud Trademark Registration - A Response, by Marcus Bolt pdf, html

A response from Marcus Bolt to the article, "Subud Trademark Registration", by Matthew Weiss

Our Internet Rights, by Sahlan Diver pdf, html

A response from Sahlan Diver to the article, "Subud Trademark Registration", by Matthew Weiss

Feedback on the official reports

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