
Lusijah Rott


Mini Biography

Lusijah Rott was a previous chair of Subud California. During her term, the Subud retreat center, Seven Circles Retreat came into existence. It is only through the hard work of so many brothers and sisters who gave so much of themselves, working together, that Seven Circles Retreat became a reality. It has been her experience that there is a widely varying opinion of how to best serve the Subud mission. Professionally, Lusijah manages a research core facility at Stanford University and is engaged in research projects in the area of immunolgy.

Presence in the World pdf, html

Subud's presence in the world. Why has Bapak's statement that it is God's will that the latihan be experienced by many human beings not happened? How does our interpretation of the Subud mission effect Subud's relevance in the world?

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