Subud Vision - Feedback
Salamah Pope - After Fifty Years: What I think is Needed
Would the latihan die if Subud, the organisation, dies?. From Lawrence Brazier, July 10, 2007. Time 10:15
Lovely! The New Age angles made an awful lot of sense. After all, Subud does seem like a sect on the surface. We should not forget that the Latihan experience is rather unusual, and is not like popping down to the pub. New Age people will be more responsive because they carry no anti-Asian baggage. Actually, it was always the "seekers" who became Subud members, anyway. My dad, and the rest of my family, thought I was round the bend. But could the Latihan ever die? If Subud, the organisation, dwindles into nothing, would not the Latihan resurface elsewhere? I have the feeling that it would. That is comforting in its own way! But it is impossible to criticise the mistakes of Subud people in this respect. They simply do what they gotta do at any given moment. That is the reality of the matter. Since my own mistakes are legion, I need forgiveness in large dollops to even wake up each morning. Cheers - Lawrence
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