
Subud Vision - Feedback

Rosalind Priestley - How Not to Be a Cult

in response to How Not to be a Cult. From Margaret Pevec, April 1, 2010. Time 15:23


My nephew, Hamilton Pevec, sent me your article, and it inspired a spontaneous response. I have just rejoined the latihan after 20 years of stepping back. Stephen Freedman suggested you might be interested in my response. I thought you were on Hamilton's distribution list, but I don't think you were (it was long). Could you send me your email address? Send it to: wildgeese @ earthlink . net (I'm not sure if you'll see it on this message)

Also, I discovered that my long-time Subud friend, Murwani Combs-Adams, knows you and respects your perspective as well. I've just discovered Subud Vision, and will be reading all your articles. Thank you for participating in Subud Vision. I suspect this movement of people will allow me to continue with the latihan!


Margaret Pevec

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