Subud Vision - Feedback
Luthfi O'Meagher - The Visionary Approach
The Governance of Anugraha - an appreciation.. From Hadrian Michell, June 16, 2008. Time 18:11
An excellent article - I'd like to hear more from Luthfi on this site.
I downloaded Luthi O’Meagher’s “ The Governance of Anugraha” and read each word from start to finish over the week-end (14/15-06-08) – it grabbed my attention and I could not put it down until the end.
Luthfi seems to me to be one of the few who really understands that the only way in which the Latihan can be understood in its application is by reference to the great works of history, from Aristotle to Milton, Shakespeare, Cervantes, Goethe and Jung - writers who understood what it means to be a true human being – something to which all of us doing the Latihan aspire in one way or another.
This is one piece of writing which should be required reading for all those daring to venture into the putting into practice of the Latihan – without an understanding of Luthfi’s experience, his truth of his words that “every Subud endeavour will always move towards a situation of predictable disaster” will continue to be witnessed again and again.
“Governance” is a brilliant piece of work, being neither a polemic exercise nor any kind of apology but a priceless gift to all of those who wish to take seriously the far from simple quest of putting the Latihan into practice.
Thank you Luthfi!
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