Subud Vision - Feedback
Bronte Grivell - Testing or Testosis
A victory of subud democracy?. From Haskel Adamson, August 13, 2007. Time 21:50
In your article you give an example of how not to do testing, where a group not content with a helper did some testing with visiting helpers and the local helper resigned, You don't give any specifics but i can't see what is wrong with this scenario. What are a group to do with helpers who do not help? Accept that they have a job for life. Maybe they were happier without helpers 'taking the latihan' . If testing is the method used to choose helpers (and not tested in by the members but by the helpers) then your example sounds like a victory of subud democracy, not a failure of testing.
From Mike Higgins, September 1, 2007. Time 6:24
"In your article you give an example of how not to do testing, where a group not content with a helper did some testing with visiting helpers and the local helper resigned... "
I too would like to hear Bronte's take on this - why he thought this was a testing failure - but I suspect that if the people doing the testing believe something is true, their testing will simply confirm their belief. So if they feel someone is a poor helper, the testing will confirm their bias. If you can't be objective about a question, put all personal prejudices aside when you test about it, do not expect to receive a dependable answer to it.
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