The Rise and Fall of the ‘AntiSubud’ Site
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There is a web site entitled ‘AntiSubud’ (,
which comes with its own twisted and distorted version of the Subud symbol, and
features a mass of derogatory comment about Subud.
Would you like to visit it?
Probably not, which would be a pity as there is
material there that, despite the web site’s title, could be of value to Subud.
And, as a Subud visitor you wouldn’t be alone – many Subud members have engaged
in discussion on the AntiSubud site.
The AntiSubud site was started, in 2003, by a Canadian
Subud member who identifies himself on the site as ‘Ryan’. He says he found
Subud through a friend, a non-member, whose father was a helper.
As you might guess, Ryan is now an ex-Subud member. He
was apparently in Subud for eight years.
The web site divides into a number of pages, which I
will deal with one by one, leaving the most interesting page till last.
First, the home page.
Ryan starts by saying:
The aim of this site is to provide
information about Subud from a different perspective. What’s bad, what’s good,
and what’s just downright wonky. My approach is unflattering, and is very much
tied to my experience. I have no intention of raising the ire of Subud members,
to each his own. Anyway, that would prove a difficult task, as Subud members
tend to be a pretty docile bunch. My goal here is to get people thinking.
Leaving out the assessment of Subud members, that’s
not a million miles from what is said on the home page of Subud Vision – another web site that wants to get people thinking
about what is good and bad in Subud.
Ryan then offers links to web sites where readers
unfamiliar with Subud can find further information. The links include Subud’s
official site
Tellingly, he then goes on to say: ‘It is claimed that
Subud is neither religion nor cult, but direct contact with God. My own
experience has led me to reject Subud as more or less a cult….’
Ryan then sets out his personal perspective on Subud,
which includes this statement: ‘Some members claim that Subud has atheist
members, however, I’ve never encountered one.’
From this he draws the conclusion: ‘This ultimate
requirement for faith is where Subud fails in its promise of direct contact
with God.’
However, in my experience, although
members tend not to talk much about their religious beliefs, one is aware that
there are agnostics and skeptics in Subud, which shows that Ryan’s claim that
members are required to have faith in God is untrue.
At the bottom of the AntiSubud site home page, there
are links to the other pages on the site. First, there is a FAQ page.
Ironically, this has quite a good explanation for a newcomer of what Subud and
the latihan is. As most of us know from experience, it is very difficult to
explain Subud well to others. There are a few factual inaccuracies about
members’ beliefs and behaviour, but, on the whole, the page is very fair in its
comment. However, this page does
contain some annoying diagrams, looking like something out of a medieval book
on witchcraft – anyone not familiar with Subud might easily think these have
some connection with Subud, i.e. that they were taken from a Subud ‘text-book’.
Another page, the ‘Concise Guide to Subud-speak’ page,
purports to translate typical remarks made by Subud members into what they
really mean. This is the kind of thing one might find in a Campbell and Bolt
Subud joke book, though Ryan lacks their finely tuned skill with humour. If read by a Subud member, Ryan’s
‘translations’ would cause the occasional chuckle. However the problem with
this page is that it is just as likely to be read by a non-Subud audience who
are not in on the joke, and who therefore could easily get the impression we
are a collection of weak, insincere and brainwashed idiots.
For example, according to Ryan, ‘I just finished doing
Ramadan; it was great,’ means: ‘I really want to be a Muslim, but can’t make the
commitment.’ Such a
statement is just plain silly. I myself did Ramadan for many years, without the
slightest interest in becoming a Muslim, and I know members who are Jewish or
Christian who also have no interest in converting to Islam but do Ramadan simply
because they see the fast as being of great value. There are many other such
examples on the page which the readers can judge for themselves.
Two other pages on the site, the page explaining the
‘meaning’ of the AntiSubud
symbol with its jagged lines, and the page entitled, ‘Proof that Subud Is a
Cult’, also disappoint with a similar mixture of mild humour and opinionated
More promising, perhaps, is the ‘Links’ page.
Interesting that nearly half the links are to well-known official or personal
Subud web sites. Of the remainder, one
might be concerned that the linked New Zealand ‘cult information site’ has
Subud flagged with a flashing red danger flag. Concerned, that is, until one
notices that the only organisations getting green OK flags are all described
with language like: ‘...believes that reaching the masses will happen when the body of Christ
moves in unity in the community.’ Not difficult to guess the angle those people
are coming from!
Another page on Ryan’s site describes a bad experience
he had with an enterprise venture that didn’t understand the distinction
between good business judgment and allowing business decisions to be made by
the kejiwaan. Not surprisingly the
enterprise came to grief. There are
many such stories from the heyday of Subud enterprises in the 1970s, and in the
’80s from Anugraha (
Ryan’s story shows that such mistakes are still being made. On the other hand
there are not a few businesses run by Subud members that have carried on being
quietly successful for decades, and there are also others of us who have been
guilty of business gaffes, kejiwaan motivated or not, who have learned from our mistakes and moved on to do
things much better the next time.
Finally, we get to the page that, in my opinion, is of
most value – the ‘Comments’ page.
Maybe what I have written so far has put
you off visiting the AntiSubud site, but I consider this one long page full of interesting comment and
counter-comment about Subud to be well worth a visit on its own.
If the Comments page is working properly you can
expect to see a feedback form and questionnaire at the top, followed by a mass
of comments from non-members, ex-members and members.[* see
footnote about a technical problem with the comments page]
The Comments page includes many messages of
appreciation for the site:
— I must give it to you - how many Subud
sites have such decent FAQs, never mind so-called anti-subud sites.
— If Subud can survive a critic, then it
can only get stronger, right?
— I think it’s good to have an intelligent
critical site about Subud. Plenty of people leave Subud and I often wonder why.
One day it might be me.
— Given the time, ideas and effort you put
in this website, it is hard to believe that you are truly ‘Anti Subud’. I even
start thinking that you are part of Subud who want to explore the different or
opposite sides of Subud opinion and spirituality in order to understand more or
give positive feedback to Subud.
— I like what I’ve seen of this website. I
wish I could discuss Subud in such a frank and open manner on Subud websites,
but unfortunately there are the odd pious ones who won’t hear of any dissent
and scathe those that question the orthodoxy. This is a nonsense in Subud,
really; we have no orthodoxy - only a culture and tradition, which certain
people like to legislate upon, or else form a loose dogma. Don’t worry - we
won’t let them!
Then there are interesting questions from enquirers
about Subud. WSA take note! Shouldn’t we have an official, easily accessible web
facility for people to ask questions?
— How do the Subud [people] treat women?
Are they second-class? Intellectually
less worthy?
— I’m interested in Subud and wanted to
find comments of general dissatisfaction with the practice. There is very
little on this site to discourage one from
the attempt.
— I appreciate your site. I’m thinking of
joining, and it’s refreshing to read something from somebody who speaks normal
English and whose first name isn’t Aladdin or Shaitan or something like that!
— I firstly want to thank you for your
information I have gained from your website. I am currently a Muslim who for
the last two years has been involved with a Muslim girl from a family very
heavily involved with Subud.
Then there are discussions about Subud, and messages
from people who have had bad Subud experiences. The most interesting of these
is from a lady whose message I reprint extracts from below. I encourage readers
of this article to visit the Anti-Subud site to read this most interesting
message in full:
…My parents were devout
listeners/followers of Bapak, consistently practiced fasting at Ramadan and
even converted to Muslim back in the ’80s. We weren’t allowed to eat pork,
ever, and I wasn’t allowed to wear pants because of things that Bapak said and
what my mom received. I finally saved up enough allowance and babysitting money
in junior high to buy my first pair of pants. To this day, and I’m in my late
thirties, I rarely ever wear skirts/dresses! This may seem like a silly thing
to be disgruntled about, and I have made peace with it as an adult, but it’s a
great example of the dogmatic and cult-like behavior that Subud members have
displayed over the years. It wasn’t just my parents that were so enamoured of
Bapak; all the members of that generation did (or seemed to from my
perspective), and took his word as gospel, no matter how much they said there
was no dogma.
…Again, another silly-sounding thing, but
I was so brainwashed that pork would make me sick it took me a good portion of
my life to actually try it, slowly at first, afraid that I might get sick, and
then to work through all the guilt about eating it. (And let’s not even get
started about the whole no-sex-before-marriage dogma - bodily pleasure is the
lower goes on and on).
…Someone had a post here about Subud
parents and that they should not even talk about Subud to their kids until they
were twenty or so. Nice thought but impossible - it was so ingrained into every
part of our lives and vocabulary, and where we went on vacation (only to Subud
congress events), and where my parents went every Tuesday and Thursday night,
and why I couldn’t spend the night at my non-Subud friend’s house, and all the
other rules, etc. My only consolation is that I wasn’t forced to go to a
mainstream church or bible study like many children were. Thank ‘God’ for
… I do truly forgive my parents - they
were just doing the best they could and trying to raise us with their ideals
for a better world. I have friends that grew up in hippy communes and we have
very similar experiences/ issues.
I have titled this article ‘The Rise and Fall of the Anti-Subud site’. Why Fall? The AntiSubud site has not been
maintained since 2004. People are still putting messages on the site, but there
appears to be no editing of these messages. This is evidenced by a small number
of unpleasant, abusive comments that have not been removed. Also, Ryan’s given email contact address is
no longer valid. Prior to writing this article, I tried to contact Ryan through
‘Freewebs’, the site’s hoster, but they were unable to help me.
Freewebs, like all web site hosters, have rules about
appropriate content. If someone were to post an obscene or abusive message to
the AntiSubud site, and this were not edited out by Ryan, then, as the hosters,
Freewebs could close it down. This might never happen, or it might happen
anytime soon, so, if you are interested, I recommend you take a look while the AntiSubud web site is still there.(
* There can be a problem with the Anti-Subud site
Comments page that is no fault of the web site itself:
My computer has the popular Internet Explorer web
browser and it was showing the Comments page as a small feedback form and
nothing else. No actual comments were visible. I found out the reason was that
Internet Explorer was blocking some web sites, including Ryan’s AntiSubud site,
as being a computer security risk.
If you use the Internet Explorer browser and this
happens to you, go to Internet Options /Security /Restricted Sites, highlight freewebs, and press the Remove button – this will allow you to use all
the facilities on the site. Warning: following these instructions is at your own risk. Probably Ryan’s site is safe
– we can only guess as to why Internet Explorer
chooses to block it and other freewebs sites. My colleagues who are using Apple
Mac computers had no such problem with the Comments page.