Watch Your Language
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‘Everything is in
Almighty God’s hands and my future is simply to obey His will.’
Who said that — a WSA Chair, an
International Helper, someone in your group, you, or me?
Well, all of us at some time, probably.
But the above is actually a quote from a recent speech by Sarah Palin — the
woman who believes gays can and should be cured, that Israel is justified in
expanding into Palestine, that America should wage a pre-emptive war on Iran
and who prays daily that God will remove Obama. ‘We need a commander-in-chief,
not professor of law,’ she said in the same speech.
My guess is that few Subud members would
vote for her should she ever run for President, yet we have in Subud an overlap
between her language and ours that, to the public at large, could mistakenly
identify us as being in the same camp as fundamentalist evangelicals and
hard-line Hawks, people to whom Palin’s language most definitely appeals.
Paradoxically, Palin’s public language
also puts her in bed with the fundamentalist Muslims she deems her enemies,
those who also claim to be ‘obeying His Will’ (and unless there are two Gods,
how can this be?). I doubt very much she or any of the aforementioned would be
interested in joining Subud though, despite the apparent similarity in language
of our individual mission statements. But, more worryingly, neither would the
billions of atheists, liberals and adherents of non-Abrahamic religions in the
world today, because it’s exactly the kind of language that is wholly
unacceptable to at least three billion people on this planet (yes, only a half
of the world’s population ‘belong’ to the Abrahamic religions — check it out).
incoming WSA Chair is quoted in the April edition of Subud Voice as saying, ‘The whole purpose
of the organisation is to be a vehicle for the latihan to come into the world.’
This is a laudable statement, and an aim I support wholeheartedly, but I
suggest he is, and we are, seriously hobbled in achieving such an outcome by
the kind of public Abrahamic-religionist language that has crept into our
literature, our websites, and our culture.
Now I have no beef whatsoever with anyone’s
personal belief system, but I think it does matter hugely what kind of language
we use publicly on our websites and in our
literature, and particularly when speaking to enquirers and applicants, at
least until we find out, face-to-face, the kind of language they are individually
comfortable with.
I am
simply calling for a more neutral-sounding Subud where certain loaded terms,
such as ‘Almighty God’, ‘surrender’, ‘God’s will’ and ‘worship’, are not part
of our public presentation. When such terms are used frequently and in
combination, they give the false impression of a belief system accepted by all
Subud members. Shouldn’t such focussed
terminology be left up to the individual’s belief system and not attached to a
description of the latihan, particularly if we also state that it’s ‘for all
I am well aware that various World Subud
Association committees have, over recent years, become aware of this problem
and that some effort has been made to be more widely inclusive. The main Subud Website,, now states on its
public pages:
Many people feel a sense of calm and a
deepening of the natural connection with wisdom, one’s higher self, the divine,
or God, depending on one’s preferred terminology…
— which I would have found perfectly
acceptable when I joined Subud over forty years ago — and which would not, I
suggest, immediately put off half of the world’s population.
However, on the next page it continues:
ten aims of the World Subud Association are:
1) To facilitate
the worship of Almighty God through the Latihan Kejiwaan of Subud....
Now that’s pretty specific and has brought
the focus sharply back into the Abrahamic religious core belief structure
again. Delving deeper into the site, on yet another page, entitled ‘An
Introduction to Subud’, we read:
is an acknowledgement of the Power of God, which fills and controls the whole
universe… There is no dogma in Subud, no
and no priesthood…
In actual fact, the writer has just stated
here both a dogma and a creed, and continues:
Neither is there a leader other than the One Almighty
God…. All that is required of us is that we should, in patience and sincerity,
surrender and submit our own will to the Will of God…one humanity facing One
Almighty God…the Grace of God bestowed upon human beings according to His
Will…. It does not arise through any human action…but simply by the Will and
Grace of God…an inner attitude of sincere submission of one’s own will to the
Will of God…. The latihan is thus unadulterated worship of God through
surrender to God’s Will…
And so on, continuing to imply that Subud
is not really for Hindus, Buddhists, Animists, Shintoists, Agnostics and
Atheists — to name but a few.
You may think that I’m splitting hairs,
that it’s not important, but being an advertising copywriter by profession, I
am acutely aware of the importance of precise language when attempting to
communicate with a given target audience, and over the years I have seen
clients make two mistakes over and again.
The first is to fail to talk to the target
audience in relevant language. For example, I've just written two ads for a
new, hi-tech pedal box designed for racing cars. Initially the client only
wanted one advertisement aimed at both engineers and drivers, but I convinced
them that we should feature only the product’s super-fast response in racing
driver magazines, because shaving tenths of a second off lap times is all a
driver lives for, whereas in engineering journals we should discuss the
product’s ‘low hysteresis ball bearings’ and other hi-tech improvements,
because understanding how the technology works and its practical application is
the engineer's bag.
And we make exactly the same mistake by
using only Abrahamic religious language to describe the latihan process,
thereby not only failing to communicate with the thousands of seekers from
non-Abrahamic religious backgrounds and those with no religion at all, but also
the many liberals with a Christian or Islamic upbringing who are turned off by
the evangelical movements, fundamentalists and sectarianism attempting to
dominate their religious world.
The second mistake made by many companies
is to make claims that are confusingly unclear and not quite true. As an
example, I recently saw an ad for a product I was interested in offering a
‘free one month’s trial’, but when I investigated, it turned out that you only
got a free month if you signed up for a year’s contract. The negative effect
this ‘sleight of hand’ had on me means I will now look to their competitors
We make a similar mistake when we state
publicly that the latihan is for all, regardless of ‘race, gender and creed’
and that we have no belief system, while in the small print it says, ‘But we do
believe in the Abrahamic religious construct of a universal, ruling Almighty
God with a Will for all.’ Not only is our product not quite what it says it is
on the tin, but also the label is off-putting to many potential ‘buyers’.
Our use of traditional Biblical/Koranic
language, so similar to that of the ultra-religious right, is, therefore,
erecting barriers and denying many potential members the opportunity to even
read about the liberating gift we have all benefited from.