We are aware that as well as supporters of Subud Vision there are many Subud members who are unhappy with the web site. We invite anyone to register their complaints about Subud Vision on this page. We will also accept reader comment in support of Subud Vision.
The Editors have made themselves a rule that they will not reply to comments on this page, so feel free to have your say without comeback.
Say anything you want. Be as critical as you want, but please note that we cannot accept criticisms of individual authors, correspondents or editors that impugns their character or is libellous. Such comment will be edited out.
One more rule: This is not a discussion forum. Give your own thoughts rather than comment on anyone else's contribution.
You may send more than one comment if you wish.

Very sorry but feedback forms now permanently closed on the Subud Vision site

Comments Received (in reverse chronological order)

From Evan, February 13, 2012. Time 11:0

Opposition to Subud Vision? Not worth it. Some nice things said here - maybe many things not so nice. Mostly way too much thinking so a bit painful to read - better for me to just do latihan - more productive. Sorry if I hurt feelings but you asked.

From Margaret Pevec, February 11, 2012. Time 16:1

You don't have to publish this comment, but I noticed that you mis-attributed the following quote to Nelson Mandela. This is often done, but actually belongs to Marianne Williamson.

"As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others."

From Hubert Spall, February 2, 2012. Time 9:32

Thanks for this site, it is very good that constructive critical writing about Subud has such a well-managed and even-handed home.

From Webmaster, February 1, 2012. Time 21:54

Welcome to the new HAVE YOUR SAY ABOUT SUBUD VISION page at http://www.subudvision.org/haveyoursayhtml.php

If you have a complaint about Subud Vision, say it here. This page is for contributors only. The Subud Vision editors are not allowed to post replies to comments on the HAVE YOUR SAY page.

From The Webmaster, February 1, 2012. Time 21:28

Dear Contributors,

Please fill in the form above to send your comments. If you have not sent anything to Subud Vision before you need to enter a password in the password box. This can be any password of your choice. If you send any further comments to Subud Vision you will need to use the same password each time.
If you wish to disguise your identity then fill in a pseudonym instead of your real name.