
Victoria LePage


Mini Biography

I was born in 1919 in Sydney, Australia. In 1940, at the onset of World War II, I had a series of visionary experiences that prepared me for the coming of Subud to the West, nearly 20 years later. My three children joined the new movement in Melbourne when I did, and all later married other Subud members. After a divorce I also married a Subud member, Rayner Young, an English student of J.G. Bennett.

Since leaving Subud after the crisis occasioned by Mas Totok?s controversial visits to our Melbourne group (unauthorized by Bapak), I have explored a number of other spiritual paths and methods of meditation, and have become an international author on spiritual subjects. But I still test on all decisions of importance, and remain committed to the supreme value of the latihan.

Subud Needs Intellectual Growth pdf, html

The main gist of my article is a plea for the modernisation of Subud doctrine, with less emphasis on religious piety and institutional hierarchy, and more on the esoteric teachings underlying the practice of the latihan. In this regard I suggest that Subud?s spiritual background has lain partly in Sufi dervish practices, though with certain differences, and that this hidden history of the movement should be uncovered and discussed more openly with the membership.

I also stress the need for the maintenance of a well balanced inner life that includes adequate intellectual activity, and enumerate some of the dangers of a feeling-based mysticism that lacks the checks and balances of a vigorous, critical mind.

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