
Subud Vision - Feedback

Sandra Rimkeit - An Open Letter about Youth and Helpers

Gratitude for YOUR Courage to Speak out!. From Alia El Mohandes, October 15, 2010. Time 20:20

Dear Sandra,

Your honesty, heart felt experiences are depicted extremely well. I applaud your gumption and courage to write this article.

I too am relatively new to SUBUD though I have been a seeker for many years. I have sent this link with you article and others on this website to a few select members who are seriously concerned with all of the issues you and others have brought up.

I hope that with your courage we can learn from your collective insights and make a more nurturing environment within a basis of safety for a healthy and growing community.

Please contact me if you feel like it. I am very interested in your issues and concerns and hope to be a catalyst of change to address these harmful behaviors you and others have written about on this website!

God bless and grace us with wisdom and patience ...
With love

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